How to Find the Perfect Style Video for your Business

December 1, 2023

How to Choose the Right Type of Video for Your Business

Do you have an idea for a video but don't know where to start? Or maybe you're looking for a new way to promote your business? In either case, this article will help you out!

For business owners, we know how challenging it can be to navigate the advertising landscape. Marketing strategies are constantly shifting and evolving at the hands of new technology, the rise of new social media platforms, and it can be hard to keep up or make the right investment.

The good news is, the rocket-like growth of video marketing in 2022 presents a valuable opportunity for small businesses to expand brand awareness and boost sales. The excitement around video marketing is unsurprising when considering the fact that 244.4 million Americans watched digital video content in 2021 alone. Even more compelling is that a staggering 90% of consumers want to see more videos with 88% of them swayed to make a purchase when they do. 

The human brain is built for visual information. It’s crucial that small businesses adapt their marketing strategy in 2022 to capitalize on the boost in sales and brand awareness offered by video content.

We’ve compiled a list of video styles to help you navigate which suit your business best. 

Profile Business Video: Creating the Right First Impression

Profile Business Video AKA Video Business Cards are a visually engaging way to give potential consumers a feel for your brand aesthetic, culture, and products and services. They’re also much more likely to etch themselves into a customer's mind than any other form of business card. That’s because a whopping 80% percent of people retain what they see, compared to only 20% who remember what they read. So, we highly encourage you to utilize the power of video business cards to let your customers know who you are and what makes you unique. It’s a really valuable way to make an impression, stand out amongst the competition, and instantly connect with new customers.

Profile Business Videos:

These videos are great for showcasing your company history, mission statement, values, and vision. 

Product Videos: Showcasing your Product or Services

Product videos are a great way to showcase your company's products and services. They're also a great way to attract new customers.

Product videos are in high demand across consumer markets, which makes them an exciting goldmine for brands looking to generate substantial leads and boost their sales. The great thing about product videos is their versatility. Not only can they be used to inform current customers on best uses and practices, but they can also be repurposed as stand-alone online ads to generate new leads and boost sales. If you sell physical products, give them the exposure they deserve by flaunting the unique features through video and showing people the unmatched design or how smoothly it operates. Nearly 75% of U.S internet users say they always or regularly seek out visual content before deciding to buy a product. And with 88% of people swayed to purchase a product after watching a product video, investing in one is a no-brainer. 

Video marketing with a product video a great way to get your message across. Whether you want to show off your latest product or explain how your business works, video marketing is a great way for your brand to connect with consumers, generate leads and boost sales. 

TV Commercials: Reaching a Broad Audience

Advertising on television is still a great option for reaching a broad audience.

TV advertising is the longest-standing form of visual advertising, and although the advent of streaming services and digital mediums have restructured the landscape, it remains an effective way to reach widespread audiences. TV campaigns are faced with a lack of metrics and can be harder to track with regard to direct conversions, but they remain a popular investment for marketers who want to hit a range of demographics. Better yet, they can be repurposed across digital platforms too. So if your goal is to reach a wide market, TV might be the way to go. 

With streaming services like Hulu, business owners can target TV ads to specific demographics, which makes them a good option to reach potential new customers.

Animated Explainer Videos: Explaining Complex Concepts Simply, and Clearly

You’ve most likely seen Animated Explainer Videos floating around the internet or slapped on the homepage of your favorite websites. They have emerged as a leading form of digital content thanks to their ability to not only inform audiences but entertain them with engaging animation, retaining their attention longer than written copy. The reality is, 55% of website visitors will spend less than 15 seconds actively reading, so explainer videos are a valuable way for any small business to capture their audience. We really encourage all brands and businesses to join the enormous uptake of homepage explainer videos, most impressively because doing so will increase conversions by almost 13%.

Businesses should consider adding animated explainer videos to their marketing strategy. Specially for complex products and services that would require huge video production budgets.

Educational / FAQ Videos: Why are Educational Videos So Powerful

Your customers may not understand what you're selling, and if they don't, they might just walk away.

Educational / FAQ videos are an increasingly valuable tool for brands to build trust with their audience and prospective customers. We know from the myriad of statistics above that consumers in 2022 want to know more about the products they buy before they buy them, and with only 20% of people reading text on a page, the way to reach consumers, and ultimately increase conversion is through video content. If your brand or business is marketing a product that requires a little more explanation, or you find the same questions are popping up about your product, being proactive in addressing them in an engaging video will go a long way to boosting conversions and sales.

Don't let your potential customers leave without learning everything they need to know about your product. Create a short video that answers common questions and gives them the information they need to make an informed decision.

Recruitment Videos: Why Recruitment Videos Are So Effective 

Are you looking for new ways to attract top talent?

A recruitment video will give you the opportunity to showcase your company to prospective employees and show them why working for your company is the best decision they could make. 

In 2022, more and more employees are choosing to work for companies that align with their values. Prospective employees are sifting through job postings in search of companies that are transparent about their work culture. Investing in a recruitment video will allow your business to cut through the noise, and reach the screens of talented job-seekers. We know that job listings with videos have a 34% greater application rate than those without. So, if you’re struggling to find capable, skilled employees, it may be time to invest in a recruitment video.

 A great recruitment video will help you stand from the crowd. It will also help you recruit better candidates and increase your chances of hiring the right person for the job. 

Social Videos: How They Attract New Customers

Social networks are built around sharing information. Video is a great way to share information quickly and easily. Videos are also an excellent way to increase engagement because they are engaging and interactive. People spend more time watching videos than reading text. A study found that when someone shares a link to a video, they are 2x more likely to click through to the website than if they were to share a link to a static image. If you want your audience to engage with your content, then consider adding video.

Social media has exploded into our collective psyche, consuming so much of our attention and time. It is only natural that it has become one of the most exciting and valuable mediums for any brand or business trying to market its products. Video content on social media generates 1200% more shares than images and text combined, rocketing brand awareness far beyond the reach capable through any other format and boosting product sales. 93% of marketers say they’ve scored a new customer because of a video on social media, which makes perfect sense when you consider the amount of video content watched by users per week has almost doubled since 2018.

How to create your own Video Marketing Strategy

Find out who your target audience is. Who is likely to watch your video? What are they interested in? Where do they go online? How old are they? Are they male or female? What are they looking for when they visit your site? Think about the different ways you can reach them. Consider social media platforms, search engines, and other websites. Create an editorial calendar for your video production. Start with a video marketing strategy before you begin recording, editing, or creating any videos. Why? Because each decision you make while making your video will lead back to your video's objective and what action you want your viewer to take. You need a clear strategy before you start writing. You should write down what you want to achieve, and then break it down into smaller pieces. For example, if you want to create an app, you might first think about what features you want to add. Then, you could list those ideas in a spreadsheet. From there, you can brainstorm different ways to implement each feature. Finally, you can choose the best option and move forward.

Regardless of the style of video you choose to lead with, it is undeniable that video marketing is the way forward in 2022. As a video production company, we are driven to help small businesses achieve their marketing goals, generate more leads and boost their sales. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or want to dip your feet into the exciting world of video production
